
Thank you for your interest in umpiring with NOLL/SOLL!

NOLL/SOLL utilizes an entire volunteer umpire team that includes parents, youths, and other volunteers. We are fortunate to have a roster of experienced umpires that have decades of cumulative experience, some of whom have umpired Little League post-season and World Series games and at levels from high school to college ball.

Our philosophy is ANYONE can be an umpire, with a little training, a little mentoring, a love of the game, and the willingness to learn from mistakes.

Below you will find general information about how NOLL/SOLL manages the Umpire Program, along with links to help you get started and improve your skills.

Jump to:


All umpires must register so they can go thru the 1-minute online registration process which includes compliance with the Little League background check requirement for adults; junior umpires are exempt from the background check. Your social security and driver’s license numbers are required for the background check (this is a Little League requirement), but this information will be destroyed once the background checks have been completed. Umpires Register Here!


Required & Recommended Training

All umpires MUST complete the free Little League SafeSport training and Concussion Awareness Training. You can find more information and links on the Volunteer to Umpire page.

At the start of each Spring season, there are various field mechanics and rules clinics, in person and online. We expect all umpires to attend both rules and field mechanics clinics. We continue to improve and grow the more we learn! Information on upcoming clinics will be posted. Please visit Training and Resources.

Little League Rules Book
The Little League rules book is only available as an app at both the Apple Store and Google Play. Download a copy and have it handy. The app updates automatically when rules are updated by Little League International each year.


Game Coverage / Requesting Games

Once you have registered, umpires may request games in Sportability and select either plate, base, or no preference. Parents/Guardians and family members may request to umpire their player’s games for AA and AAA levels.

Each team is expected to have two adult volunteer (parent/guardian/family member) umpires. If your player’s coach is seeking volunteers, don’t hesitate to raise your hand!
You may see a team listed in the 3rd umpire slot, this is the game that has been assigned to a team’s umpires. If this is your team, you may register – make note of your team affiliation in the comment section.
Note, that anyone is allowed to sign up for any game, even one assigned to a team. If your team assigned game is covered, look for another game that works for your schedule!

Once you request a game, the division coordinator will assign games. Priority is given to parent/guardian – junior umpire teams, mentor requested partnerships, and then on a first come first serve basis.

IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL a game you signed up for, as soon as possible, email the division umpire coordinator AND your Chief Umpire. Check the Contacts page for the current list.


We want to assist the development of our newer umpires, especially at the AA and AAA levels, by having them work games with experienced umpires. You will see mentor-available games posted on the website when requesting games. For some games, a mentor can even work with two of you as a team (e.g., you and your child, or you and a friend). Umpires wanting mentoring should look for these games and will get priority for approval to do them. There will also be mentoring opportunities posted for people wanting to move up to the big diamond, where there are steals, balks and leading off. You can request a mentor for games at any level. To request a mentor or find out more, contact the Chief Umpire.


Equipment & Uniforms

Umpire Equipment

All fields will have umpire bags which include shin guards, chest protectors, plate brushes, and ball/strike indicators.

NEVER umpire a game behind the plate without wearing a complete set of protective equipment, including a hard cup for males.

FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH REASONS, there will NOT be an UMPIRE MASK in the equipment bags.
You may choose to purchase a mask or borrow a NOLL/SOLL mask for your use. Families may share a mask. Masks will be available at the NOLL/SOLL field clinics and the junior umpire clinics.

Contact Angela Noury or Allistair McEvilly to get a mask! Also, if you have a mask to return, please email us.


We will provide you with a black umpire shirt and a NOLL/SOLL umpire hat.

For the regular season, we ask that you try to wear gray or black pants (with belt loops and belt for a ball bag), however for younger junior umpires, gray joggers are ok. No jeans and shorts.

Umpires selected for post-season games, Tournament of Champions and All-Stars, will need to purchase umpire pants.

Equipment Reimbursements

NOLL/SOLL will reimburse you up to $100 per year for umpire uniforms, shoes, or equipment purchased. Please keep your receipts or other proof of purchase. Submit your request for reimbursement HERE.



Division Rules

AA will once again phase in “stealing”. Here is the modified stealing rule in effect in AA for the first three weeks of the season:
Week 1 = no steals.
Week 2 = Stealing second only. No advancing on overthrows from catcher to second.
Week 3 = Stealing second and third only. No advancing on overthrows from catcher to second or third.
Week 4 – end of season = No restrictions on stealing

NOLL/SOLL Rule Options and Exceptions

NOLL/SOLL adheres to the rules outlined in the Little League Rule Book with the following local rule options and exceptions.  Any local league option or exception not listed here has not been approved by NOLL/SOLL.

  1. Regulation VI(c) – PITCHERS: In AA and AAA, no pitcher may pitch more than nine defensive outs in a regular season game. This does not apply during regular season playoffs. This is a NOLL/SOLL rule, not a Little League rule.
  2. RULE: 1.01; 4.16(a) NOTE; 4.17 NOTE:  NOLL/SOLL adopts the local league option to allow a team to start and play a game with eight (8) players. A team may not drop below eight players.  If a team does drop below eight (8) players, the game is suspended (not a forfeit) and referred to the Board for action.
  3. Rule 4.04 NOTE 3: NOLL/SOLL adopts the local league option to permit teams that must start and continue games with eight (8) players to skip over the 9th batting position in the batting order without penalty (no out will be recorded).
  4. Rule 4.04 – Batting Order and Substitutions: NOLL/SOLL adopts the local league option to utilize the continuous batting order for Majors, Intermediates, and Juniors.
  5. Rule 7.14(b) – Courtesy Runner: NOLL/SOLL adopts the local league option to utilize a Courtesy Runner at all levels utilizing continuous batting orders.  The Courtesy Runner may run for the pitcher or catcher of record only when there are two (2) out and must be the player in the batting order who made the last recorded out (that is not either the pitcher or catcher of record). The pitcher and catcher of record is defined as the player who last played the position.
  6. Rule 4.10(e) – Ending a Game: In all divisions, NOLL/SOLL adopts the run rules as follows:
    • A game ends if one team is ahead by 15 or more runs after 3 innings (4 innings for Intermediate and higher)
    • A game ends if one team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 4 innings (5 innings for Intermediates and above).
    • If the home team is ahead after completing the 1/2 inning in the scenarios above, the game ends.
  7. Rule 4.10(c)(2) – Regulation Game:  NOLL/SOLL adopts the local league option that determines a game that has reached the time limit is a regulation game.  No new inning will begin once the time limit has expired. Any inning started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed.  The time limit for AA/AAA is 1 hour and 50 minutes; for intermediates and above, it is 2 hours and 15 minutes. There is no time limit for Majors.

Other Important Rule Reminders

  1. Rule 1.10 – Bats: Majors and above, all non-wood bats must bear the USA Baseball logo. All BPF – 1.15 bats are prohibited. The bat diameter shall not exceed 2 5/8 in. For Intermediates and above, non-wood bats must either bear the USA Baseball logo or the BBCOR certification mark. For Senior League, non-wood bats must bear the BBCOR certification mark and bats may not exceed a drop 3, (for example, a 33-inch bat shall not weigh less than 30 ounces).

    Batting donuts are NOT ALLOWED.
    Pine tar or any similar adhesive substance is NOT ALLOWED.
  2. Regulation VI(3); Rule 4.10(d); Rule 4.11(e) NOTE – Suspended Games: A suspended game shall be resumed exactly from where it was halted. Pitchers of record at the time the game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their eligibility for the day the game is resumed.
  3. Rule 6.05(b)(2) – Uncaught 3rd Strike: The batter may advance on an uncaught 3rd strike in Majors and above.
  4. Rule 8.06 – Visits to the Mound: For AA/AAA, A manager or coach may come out twice in an inning to visit the pitcher, but on the third visit, the pitcher must be removed. A manager or coach may come out three times in a game to visit a pitcher, but on the fourth visit, the pitcher must be removed.
    For Majors and above, A manager may come out ONCE in an inning to visit the pitcher, but on the second visit, the pitcher must be removed. A manager or coach may come out twice times in a game to visit a pitcher, but on the third visit, the pitcher must be removed.



Q: I was assigned to a game that I cannot umpire. How do I find a replacement?
A: If you cannot make one of your assignments, please notify the appropriate umpire coordinator ASAP so you can be removed from the game.
Q: I ejected someone from a game I umpired. What should I do now?
A: If for any reason you ejected a player, manager, or any other person from a game, you are required by Rule 9.05 to report it. Complete a GAME REPORT, and it will be reported to the Chief Umpires and League President. Explain the circumstances of the ejection, including the name of the person ejected. Timely reports are critical; please send your report within 24 hours of the incident. Read Rule 9.05 for the information you are required to include in the report. League officials will notify the coordinators of the appropriate level to ensure that the person(s) ejected are not permitted to participate in the next game in accordance with Little League rules.
Q: Equipment was missing from the umpire equipment bag at the field. What should I do?
A: Never umpire a game behind the plate without wearing a complete set of protective equipment, including a mask, chest protector, leg guards, and a hard cup for males. You can call balls and strikes from behind the pitching mound if protective equipment isn’t available. After the game, e-mail the umpire equipment coordinator so he can arrange for the replacement of missing equipment.
Q: How should I report abusive or inappropriate behavior in a game I umpired?
A: The league wants to know the circumstances of abusive or inappropriate behavior by anyone at our games. Rule 9.05 requires umpires to report to the League President, any “incidents worthy of comment.” Submit your GAME REPORT, and it will be forwarded to the Chief Umpire and League President.
Q: I have a question about a rule or a situation that came up in a game. Whom can I contact?
A: First, look at the Little League rule book. You can also contact the Umpire Coordinator at the level of play to which the question relates or the Chief Umpire. Our Google Groups discussion forum is also an excellent place to post questions and comments about rules and situations. NEVER REFER TO THE RULE BOOK DURING A GAME!
Q: A manager wants to protest a game I am umpiring. What do I do?
A: Protests are rare, but they can occur and may be legal. Protests may be based on rule interpretations (Rule 4.19). Protests cannot be based on judgment calls. The manager must announce a protest before any succeeding play (e.g., before the next pitch or pick-off attempt, etc.). The manager notifies the umpire that the game is being played under protest and informs the umpire of the basis for the protest. At that point, all umpires confer and decide whether the rule interpretation was correct. If the rule interpretation was incorrect, change the decision. If the rule interpretation was correct (or was a matter of judgment which cannot be protested, or the protest is untimely) inform the manager that the decision stands. Have the official (visitors) scorekeeper record the exact game situation at the time of the protest in the scorebook. Have the protesting manager state the basis for the protest in his own words and have those words written in the scorebook. The game then continues to its’ conclusion. The umpires must “immediately” notify the Chief Umpire and submit a GAME REPORT.