Spring 2016 Try Outs

We will hold try outs on January 9, 10 and 16. Rain does not cancel try outs, we will move into the gym in the case of rain.

We could use your help to run our try outs. This year we will have 700 players trying out!
Sign up for Try Out Volunteer spots.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Players must try out to be drafted onto a competitive team. All players league age 9 and older must tryout.
  • Tryouts will be held at Montera Middle School
    Montera Middle School is at 5555 Ascot Drive, please enter on the back side, off Scout
  • Coaches of multiple divisions will be attending and watching each tryout slot (for example AA and AAA coaches will watch league age 10 year olds try out)
  • Do not miss your slot – if you aren’t there on time, we might not have more slots available later
  • Players will either try out for NOLL or SOLL – it matters when you show up (for residency questions see our FAQ and Registration pages which have maps and details)
  • Show up 15-20 min before your slot to check in and warm up. We hope to have you done by the end of your appointed time!
  • Parents, please stay off the field – kids can and should warm up with each other
  • There will be NOLL/SOLL volunteers to answer questions you have about the tryouts and about the league

About the tryouts…
Tryouts will consist of batting, fielding, throwing and running. In the batting station, balls will be delivered to players from a pitching machine at an age appropriate speed. Players may be asked to run the bases. Players should bring their glove and, if they have them, wear shoes with rubber/plastic cleats (soccer shoes are fine). No metal cleats are allowed. Players may bring bats and helmets, and some will be available if you do not have one. It is recommended, but not required that male players wear cups for the tryouts. The tryouts will occur as scheduled rain OR shine. If rain makes the field unsafe, we move indoors to the gymnasium, so players should have sneakers as well as cleats.

After the tryouts and more…
* Drafts occur the two weeks after the tryouts are complete (dates are listed on our website calendar)
* Players will be contacted by their coach or the league within two days of the draft.
* 9s may be drafted into either AAA or AA, but not lower than the division you played in last year.
* Some 9s will not be drafted, in which case they will be placed on a FarmB team with schoolmates.
* 10s must be drafted into AA or higher
* 11s must be drafted into AAA or higher
* 12s must be drafted into Majors or higher
* 13s must be drafted into Intermediates.
Visit www.nollsoll.com/registration-info if you want to find out more about the age cutoffs for Little League (they have a chart on their site which helps clarify all of the changes they have made in the past couple of years).