Local Rules

Local Playing Rules for 2019 in AA thru Seniors

We have local rules that supplement or alter what is in the official Little League rule book. These local rules are set forth in the Umpire Manual and on the NOLL/SOLL website. They do not apply to Inter-league games. Also mentioned are those instances where we have not adopted an optional Little League rule. All Little League Baseball rules are in effect, except as described below. In a couple of cases below, we have returned to the official Little League rule and that is mentioned for clarity.

  • REGULATION VII(D) – PITCHERS: In AA and AAA, no pitcher may pitch more than nine defensive outs in a game. This will not apply in the regular season tournament. This rule is not a Little League rule.
  • Rule 1.01, 4.17 (note) (Number of Players): In all divisions, a team may play with eight players. There is no penalty for playing one player short. If the team drops below eight players, there is no forfeit; the game is suspended and referred to the board for a decision. Little League rules do not allow for playing with less than nine players and a waiver has been requested.
  • Rule 1.10 (Field Dimensions): For Juniors, we use 60’ (distance to the pitcher’s plate) and 90’ (distance between bases). We have not adopted the Little League optional dimensions of 54’/80’.
  • Rule 3.03 (Substitutions): The NOLL/SOLL local rule in this section has been replaced by the Little League rule as follows:
    A substitute who enters for a starter can be replaced in the lineup, but both starters and substitutes can only enter in the same place in the batting order. A starter can re-enter but only in their original spot in the lineup and only after the substitute has met MPR. Once both starter and substitute have met MPR, they can re-enter freely in that lineup spot. Note that a starter does not have to meet MPR before being replaced but, once the starter re-enters the game, the starter will have to be in the game for six continuous defensive outs and one at-bat (if the starter did not get that at-bat while they were in the game the first time).
  • Rule 4.04 (Batting Order and Substitutions): Continuous Batting Order (CBO) is in effect in AA thru Juniors.
  • Rule 4.10(e) (Ending a Game): In all divisions, a game will end if one team is ahead by 15 or more runs after 3 innings (4 innings for Intermediate and higher); or if a legal game (4 innings in Majors and below, 5 innings in Intermediate and above), the game ends if one team is ahead by 10 or more runs. If the home team is ahead by 10 or more runs, game ends after 3 ½ innings (Majors and below) or 4 ½ innings (Intermediate and above).
  • Rule 6.02(c) (Batter Keeping One Foot In Batter’s Box): We have not adopted the optional Little League rule requiring the batter to keep one foot in the batter’s box at all times during their at-bat with several noted exceptions.
  • Rule 6.05(b)2 (Uncaught 3rd Strike): The batter advancing on an uncaught 3rd strike rule is in effect in Majors and above. We have not adopted the Little League option to have it not apply in Majors.
  • Rule 7.14 (Special Pinch Runner): We have adopted the Little League option to apply this rule during the regular season. It is only in effect in games that are not using CBO.
  • Rule 9.01(d) (Stealing Signs): We have not adopted this Little League optional rule to eject players and/or managers caught stealing pitch selection or location signs.
  • Time Limit (No Rule): In AAA and lower, no new inning may start once the game has reached 1 hour & 50 minutes in length. In Intermediate and above, no new inning may start once the game has reached 2 hours & 15 minutes in length. The game ends immediately if the time limit is reached in the bottom of an inning with the home team ahead, if a legal game. There is no time limit in Majors games. There are no Little League rules regarding time limits.

Local Policies for Divisions

  • The home team has choice of dugout
  • The visiting team provides the official scorekeeper/pitch counter and is allowed an additional adult in the dugout for this purpose.
  • If a game ends due to the mercy rule, the umpires may leave, but the coaches of the 2 teams have control of the field (and may continue the game, organize a practice, etc) until warmups for the next game (typically 1 hr before game time) begin. If teams continue to play pitch counts must still be kept and entered in Sportability.
  • Local Policies for Tee Ball

    • Players must be league age 5 to register for Tee Ball

    Local Policies for Farm A

    • to be updated

    Local Policies for Farm B

    • to be updated

    Local Policies for AA

    • We require all league age 9 players to attend player evaluations in January.
    • Curve balls are not allowed.
    • Through the first weekend of games, there is no advancing to any base other than on a batted ball (including continuous action following a batted ball) or where the runner is forced to advance (for example, by a walk, the batter being hit by a pitch, or catcher’s interference). Thus, a runner cannot advance on a steal, passed ball, wild pitch, or throw by the catcher to the pitcher or a base, even if the ball goes out of play. Any outs recorded in action involving attempts to advance in violation of this rule stand.
    • After March 9 thru March 16, there is no advancing to home other than on a batted ball (including continuous action following a batted ball) or where the runner is forced to advance (for example, by a walk, the batter being hit by a pitch, or catcher’s interference). Thus, a runner cannot advance on a steal, passed ball, wild pitch, or throw by the catcher to the pitcher or a base, even if the ball goes out of play. Any outs recorded in action involving attempts to advance in violation of this rule stand.
    • During the regular season, no pitcher may pitch more than 3 innings in a game. The limit is therefore three innings pitched or the pitch limit for the pitcher’s age, whichever comes first. In the playoffs, pitch count is the only limitation.

    Local Policies for AAA

    • Curve balls are not allowed.
    • During the regular season, no pitcher may pitch more than 3 innings in a game. The limit is therefore three innings pitched or the pitch limit for the pitcher’s age, whichever comes first. In the playoffs, pitch count is the only limitation.

    Local Policies for Majors

    • None

    Local Policies for Intermediate and Juniors

    • Players age 14 who play for any HS team (Frosh, JV, Varsity) are moved to Seniors for the regular season.

    Local Rules for Seniors

    • None