Welcome from our new President Paul Rosky

My name is Paul Rosky. For the last 16 years, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make this organization successful. One president after another has called on me to help out when help was needed, and I’ve always been willing to step up. I have held virtually every job in this organization – coach, fundraising chair, volunteer recruiter, division coordinator, field coordinator, Opening Day chair, coach development coordinator, you name it. I have a good handle on what it takes to run NOLL/SOLL, and now I am proud to be the next NOLL/SOLL President.

Our mission is to provide a positive experience for youths in the sport of baseball for the hundreds of kids who sign up with us to play the game every year. People who know me know I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty – I’ll jump in and do hard work when needed. More than that, we need to recruit passionate people and let them do their job; I will provide our volunteers with what they need – the financial and legal structure, guidelines, and empowerment to get their jobs done well. I will balance the day to day operations of NOLL/SOLL with a long-term vision for the organization in concert with the board.

I want to thank Mike Anglin, who for the past 3 years as president, and well over 10 years on the board has been a tireless worker for NOLL/SOLL. During the time Mike was President, we’ve increased the number of players by more than 25%, doubled the number of scholarships we provide annually and strengthened our relationships with the A’s, the City of Oakland and dozens of sponsors.

Our Fall 2015 season is coming to a close and the 2016 season is nearly upon us. Registration will open on Nov 4 and run thru Dec 21. Tryouts will happen in early January. Please join me in working together to provide a positive experience for our players. This is a job that takes all of our efforts to make it a memorable experience for these boys and girls – something they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

-Paul Rosky

2016 Spring Registration is open!

Registration for Spring 2016 is now open. This year registration will only be open through December 21st, so please mark your calendars and don’t delay in signing up!

Registration for TBall, Farm divisions, AA, AAA, Majors and Intermediate is open between 11/4 and 12/21. Registration for Juniors is open now until mid January and Seniors will open after the new year. Registration for our Challenger division is also open.

Registration is via Sportability.

Chris Woodward April 16, 1949 – July 30, 2015

Christopher Burnham WoodwardApril 16, 1949 – July 30, 2015

Chris passed away unexpectedly while on a business trip in Connecticut. In his usual routine, he went for a morning run, after which he passed away from a heart attack.

Chris, umpired for NOLL/SOLL with a long history
of volunteer service. He worked 15 games this year with his last game being a Seniors game on June 30, 2015 at Front Caldecott with his son Alex. All of us in NOLL/SOLL who had the pleasure of working with him knew him to be a fine umpire with a wonderful disposition – nothing could disturb him – he made his partners better umpires just by working with them.

We share our condolences with his family and remember with fondness his dedication and spirit to helping in our mission.